Sunday 8 March 2015

How to make writing more concise

In business communication, time represent money. Using clear, concise and direct sentence can save reading time and money. Here are some ways to more concise writing:
*      Remove redundancy
Avoid saying the same thing twice. Like, “circle around”, you can say “circle”; “each and every” to each. Try to reduce the repeat time of words.
*      Reduce phase, phrases to single words;
*      Drop unnecessary words
Some expressions are not to show in sentence, such as there is /are and it is .In addition, it should control the word space;
*      Avoid some clichés.
More information, please pay close attention to these websites.

If you have any questions about this topic, you can leave word to me. 
Here is one example about cover letter.

7 Ways Computer Can Help You

Social media provides many helpful in our daily life, such as phone, video, computer. Computers definitely helps a lot in work, especially in writing message. Experts proposed some ways to help you improve writing skills, presentation skills in day. Here is 7 ways:
1.      Brainstorm :
Make a write block and make note before you type into computer;
2.      Collect some effective electron information; Eg:

Sheridan’s online library offers instant access to over 175 data bases.
3.       Organize ideas and language:
Analyse a main topic and some subpoints, use some word processing software tool to improve structural of sentence, such as cut ,copy and paste; you can add some photos and visual material to increase the quality of word document;
4.       Enhance the quality of language:
Check language accuracy, like word use (such as his, him), verb and noun use, number styles. Focus on correcting sentence’s grammar and spelling.
5.       Add some pictures:
Adding some pictures in writing message is benefit to rich the quality of word document. It can provide some data for reader to read.

Charts done on the computer consistently show data in an organized and readable way.
6.       Create a professional word documents, presentation on web pages:
Use some programs to perfect document, such as word, excel and PowerPoint.

7.       Use collaborative software:

Such as Blogs, podcasts, videoconferencing, voice conferencing, video phones. 

Characteristics of Successful Teams

In our daily life, we cannot work individual all the time. Many jobs or task need a team to complete. Why teamwork is important?  Teamwork can collect some strength and powerful power in business or organization. Whether you are managing employees or volunteers, a strong teams can help your group become more productive and powerful. However, not all teams can do well together. Some teams need to improve their different kinds of abilities to develop teamwork. There is some tips to discuss how to become a successful teams:
v  The size of team should be small, range from 2 to 25 person;
v  Arrange task by analysing everyone ‘s work skills;
v  Make sure a general purpose to open discussion;
v  A good communication techniques plays an important role in teamwork;
v  Every member should have ethical responsibilities to express their group’s opinions;
v  A good leader is a key part in teamwork.
There is some sources about characteristics of effective teams.

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Planning a Productive Meeting

Meeting plays an important role in our workplace. An effective meeting can promote the development between company and individual. Before open a meeting, there are several parts to take note. First, make sure if this meeting has important topic. Secondly, it should be collect some data in advance, make sure main topic, certain time, place, attendees. Last, a good ending benefit to sum up meeting. However, it is a common problem to make a breakthrough in meeting. How to use some effective practices and technologies to create a virtual meeting? Some collaboration tools can bring some helpful in meeting, such as videoconferencing, web conferencing, voice conferencing. Through these tools can help employees pay more attention to listen this meeting, let them have more parts to express their opinions. Moreover, as a good employee, he/she should develop a rich listening habits, like take notes, express their views. Create a productive meeting need everybody’s effort.  Here is one web to teach us how to create the most productive meeting. 
Expect to see you feedback and give me some ideas.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Communication & Collaborative Technologies

Technology exists around our daily lives. Whatever from different parts of our life, such as diet, travel, work and entertainment, it has become an integral part of our day. However, technologies has been most impacted our communication and collaboration. In the part of communication technologies, it brings a lot of conveniences to our day. For example, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is a good tool to connect business communication. Moreover, an intranet technology benefit to protect company internal information. In the part of collaboration technologies, more social tools has been created among customer and employees. Blog, Podcasts and Wikis become a main trend to promote the development of business work. Express own views and comments is very important between writer and reader. In addition to, a professional language skill is essential element on the web, which can reflect writer’s abilities. Generally speaking, a series of technologies and social networks brings many positive effects to our day. They are not only improve our lifestyle, also promote business communication. How do you think about the impact of technology’s changes in our daily life?  Expect to see your feedback. This is a link to teach us how to use a blog to promote our business: