Saturday 7 March 2015

Communication & Collaborative Technologies

Technology exists around our daily lives. Whatever from different parts of our life, such as diet, travel, work and entertainment, it has become an integral part of our day. However, technologies has been most impacted our communication and collaboration. In the part of communication technologies, it brings a lot of conveniences to our day. For example, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is a good tool to connect business communication. Moreover, an intranet technology benefit to protect company internal information. In the part of collaboration technologies, more social tools has been created among customer and employees. Blog, Podcasts and Wikis become a main trend to promote the development of business work. Express own views and comments is very important between writer and reader. In addition to, a professional language skill is essential element on the web, which can reflect writer’s abilities. Generally speaking, a series of technologies and social networks brings many positive effects to our day. They are not only improve our lifestyle, also promote business communication. How do you think about the impact of technology’s changes in our daily life?  Expect to see your feedback. This is a link to teach us how to use a blog to promote our business:

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