Sunday 8 March 2015

Characteristics of Successful Teams

In our daily life, we cannot work individual all the time. Many jobs or task need a team to complete. Why teamwork is important?  Teamwork can collect some strength and powerful power in business or organization. Whether you are managing employees or volunteers, a strong teams can help your group become more productive and powerful. However, not all teams can do well together. Some teams need to improve their different kinds of abilities to develop teamwork. There is some tips to discuss how to become a successful teams:
v  The size of team should be small, range from 2 to 25 person;
v  Arrange task by analysing everyone ‘s work skills;
v  Make sure a general purpose to open discussion;
v  A good communication techniques plays an important role in teamwork;
v  Every member should have ethical responsibilities to express their group’s opinions;
v  A good leader is a key part in teamwork.
There is some sources about characteristics of effective teams.

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